I found this video online where Michael Bush talks about raising queens. It is a very nice tutorial for the beginner who wants to raise queens, and talks about the advantages of making your own. Michael doesn’t really address the situation we have here. We don’t have feral, acclimated bees. In order to improve the […]
Should I Re-queen With a Surviving Da...
There has been some discussion recently about requeening your hive in July with a surviving queen daughter from Alaska Bee Initiative. There are some good reasons to do it. Many beekeepers will allow their hives to requeen (remove the old queen) right as the nectar flow starts. The reason to do this is to allow […]
Did Your Bees Survive?
Package bees will be arriving in Alaska almost any day now, and at least one person I know successfully wintered his bees. If you did that, congratulations! We would very much like to get in touch with you if you have surviving bees from this past winter. Alaska Bee Initiative is embarking on an ambitious […]